Galletti Biscuits made with fresh milk 800g

Ingredients: Wheat flour, sunflower oil, sugar, high quality pasteurized fresh milk, crystalline sugar, yeast agents, salt, wheat starch, honey, milk protein and vanilla aroma.


May also contain traces of nuts, soybean and sesame.

SKU: MB1 Category:
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Galletti biscuits are a type of sweet baked goods that can vary in shape and size. The term “galletti” is often used in Italian or Mediterranean cuisine to refer to biscuits or cookies. These biscuits may have a simple and plain appearance or be enriched with various flavours. Galletti biscuits made with fresh milk can be enjoyed on their own, paired with a cup of tea or coffee. They can also be incorporated into more elaborate desserts, such as layered cakes, ice cream sandwiches, or as a base for dessert bars.