Aragostine 1.5kg (approx 30 pieces)

Ingredients: cereals containing gluten, eggs, milk, soya. May contain traces of peanuts and other nuts.

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Aragostine, also known as lobster tail pastry, is a delectable Italian dessert renowned for its flaky, tube-like pastry shell filled with a luscious and sweet filling. The name “lobster tail pastry” is derived from its shape, which resembles a lobster tail. This delightful treat originates from the Southern Italian region of Calabria.


The pastry shell of aragostine is made from a thin, crisp, and multi-layered dough that is rolled into a cylindrical or horn-like shape. The dough is often prepared with flour, water, butter, and sometimes a touch of sugar. The layers are achieved through a process of folding and rolling, resulting in a texture that is both crunchy and delicate.


The filling of aragostine typically consists of a sweet mixture, commonly made with a combination of ricotta cheese, sugar, and sometimes flavoured with vanilla or citrus zest. Some variations may also incorporate chocolate chips or candied fruit to add extra layers of flavour and texture.


Aragostine is often baked until the pastry achieves a golden-brown colour, and the filling is set. After baking, the pastries are allowed to cool before being dusted with powdered sugar for a finishing touch.


This delightful pastry is enjoyed as a dessert or sweet treat on various occasions, and its popularity has extended beyond Italy, making it a cherished delicacy in many places around the world. Aragostine’s appeal lies in its harmonious combination of flaky pastry and creamy, sweet filling, creating a delightful contrast of textures and flavours.